Get to know

At Baka Glass, we keep innovating to make your business processes smarter, faster and more efficient. With our advanced AI functionalities, you can not only automate the intake and confirmation of orders, but also the planning of your routes. No more wasted time on manual checks, duplicate entries, or inefficient planning.

AI order intake

Our AI order intake module takes your incoming orders immediately, checks for errors and ensures that all data is accurately entered into the system. This eliminates misunderstandings and speeds up the process, allowing you to get started with the next step more quickly.

AI order confirmation

After the intake, our AI order confirmation ensures that each order is checked and confirmed without you having to worry about it. No errors or ambiguities - your customer immediately receives an accurate confirmation of their order, so that communication runs smoothly.

Automatic scheduling

In addition to order processing, Baka Glass also automates your planning process. Our automatic planning module calculates the most efficient routes and adapts to changing circumstances, so you always have the optimal schedule.

Working smarter with AI

Why waste time on repetitive tasks when it can also be done automatically? By using AI for both order intake and confirmation, you save time, reduce errors and focus on what really matters: your customers and the growth of your company.

Automatic control

The process is simple and seamless. When a supplier emails a document, Aiden receives it automatically. It then scans the contents and checks the purchase prices at the line level against the details of your order in Baka Glass.

Aiden: Possible price error detected

2 prices are not correct on order confirmation 2432.

Aiden: All prices and rules are correct

All prices and rules match your database.

User flexibility

When Aiden discovers a line where the price deviates from expected, it signals it directly to the Baka Glass notification center. As a user, you have the flexibility to verify and specify whether the identified error needs to be corrected or whether contact with the supplier is necessary.

Efficient purchase price management

As a user, you have the flexibility to verify and specify whether the identified error needs to be corrected or whether contact with the supplier is necessary. With one simple mouse click, you can adjust the purchase price of a product or add it to your Baka Glass software. This makes managing your purchase prices easier than ever.