Questions and Answers

Frequently asked questions

Can Baka Glass be canceled monthly?


Yes, definitely. Baka Glass can always be canceled monthly and you'll never be stuck with ridiculous long-term subscriptions.

Can I transfer data from my previous system?


It is possible to export all your data from your previous software program. This can then be easily imported into Baka Glass with our super handy tool.

Is it possible to import a standard list of products?


This is certainly possible. We have a standard list of the most popular and important products that we can import directly into Baka Glass. All you have to do is set the sales prices!

Can multiple users work at the same time in Baka Glass?


This is always possible. Baka Glass is a cloud application that is always accessible via a browser. It is always possible to work with multiple people in the system at the same time. Even from different locations!

Does Baka Glass have an app?


Baka Glass is also accessible on your mobile. In addition, we also have a field service app for assembling, measuring, delivering and installing glass.

Can I use Baka Glass directly on any device?


Baka Glass is always available as long as you have an internet connection. This is therefore possible on any device with an internet connection and a browser.

Can my accounting software be linked?


We already have a large number of accounting links that can be used immediately. Contact us and we'll look at the options!

Is Baka Glass suitable for every type of company in the glass world?


Baka Glass can be used for any type of company in the flat glass industry. We ourselves have specific functionalities for each glass company. For example, we have special functions for production companies, repair companies, producers and freelancers.

Can I design an entire shower cubicle with the Baka Designer?


Yes, you can. With the Baka Designer, you have the ability to select any pre-configured glass type and choose from a variety of composite glass materials such as hinges, profiles, handles, door seals and clamps to create a diverse range of shower cubicles.

Does the Baka Designer include the deductions that are often relevant to composite glass materials?


The material deduction has been integrated into the Baka Designer. For all materials, specific deductions can be defined at product level, which are taken into account by the designer and reflected in the 2D drawing.

Are there templates available for common compositions?


You can create and save templates yourself to use more often. This ensures a fast workflow. You create the template yourself and can then change the design by adjusting dimensions and, for example, the color of the fittings.

If I use the Baka Designer, will the quote also be generated automatically?


When you use the Baka Designer in combination with Baka Glass, the system automatically calculates the retail price for a created design. After that, you can easily generate and send quotes.

How does the created design appear on the quote?


The quote can be sent in digital form or as a PDF. You will then get an overview of the materials, and the customer will see the created design in 3D.

Can you also configure hinges within Baka Designer?


Fast and accurate, a clear drawing that immediately provides the basis for an accurate quote that you can share directly with the customer.

Can I order a design created in the Baka Designer directly from suppliers?


Yes, you can. Ordering a glass plate and associated materials can be done within a few clicks in Baka Glass. The supplier receives an accurate list of composite glass materials or a 2D drawing of each pane with the associated operations.

Can you also generate DXF for a CNC within Baka Designer?


The glass fittings can be linked to DXF drawings for the recesses. With this information, the Designer can generate a complete DXF for the glass.

Is it possible to order my equipment from any supplier?


Yes, you manage which parts you order where. These can be chosen automatically or manually per design. This way, you are completely flexible where you order the materials and you have an overview of all current design orders in one place.

Can I track changes and manage revisions within the Baka Designer?


Every time a design is saved, this is a new revision of the design. This way, you can see exactly how the design has changed, by whom and when.

What operating system is the 3D configurator available on?


Because the Baka Designer is a web application, you can use it on any computer. This is therefore possible on Windows, macOS, Chromebooks and even on mobile devices.

What if I have questions about using the system?


A chat bubble is available at the bottom of the application where you can chat with one of our support staff. They can answer all your questions or help with problems you're experiencing. We are also available by phone to support you.

Can Baka Glass be canceled monthly?


Yes, definitely. Baka Glass can always be canceled monthly and you'll never be stuck with ridiculous long-term subscriptions.

Can I transfer data from my previous system?


It is possible to export all your data from your previous software program. This can then be easily imported into Baka Glass with our super handy tool.

Is it possible to import a standard list of products?


This is certainly possible. We have a standard list of the most popular and important products that we can import directly into the Baka Glass. All you have to do is set the sales prices!

Can multiple users work at the same time in Baka Glass?


This is always possible. Baka Glass is a cloud application that is always accessible via a browser. It is always possible to work with multiple people in the system at the same time.

Does Baka Glass have an app?


Baka Glass is also accessible on your mobile. In addition, we also have a field service app for assembling, delivering and installing glass.

Can I use Baka Glass directly on any device?


Baka Glass is always available as long as you have an internet connection. This is therefore possible on any device with an internet connection and a browser.

Can my accounting program be linked?


We already have a large number of accounting links that can be used immediately. Contact us and we'll look at the options!

Is Baka Glass suitable for every type of company in the glass world?


Baka Glass can be used for any type of company in the flat glass industry. We ourselves have specific functionalities for each glass company. For example, we have special functions for production companies, repair companies, producers and freelancers.