Towards a more sustainable future together

At Baka Glass, we are committed to a sustainable future through innovative and environmentally friendly solutions.

Our Green Initiatives

At Baka Glass, we are committed to a sustainable future through innovative and environmentally friendly solutions.

Trees for All certificate

We are proud of our Trees for All certificate. By collaborating with this organization, we help with global reforestation projects. For every order we receive, a tree is planted, reducing our ecological footprint.

Electric cars

Our fleet consists entirely of electric cars, which means that we significantly reduce our CO2 emissions. By using green energy, we contribute to a cleaner future and a better environment.

Solar panels

Our solar panels provide us with renewable energy. We use this energy not only to illuminate our offices, but also to charge our electric cars. As a result, we minimize our dependence on fossil fuels and contribute to a cleaner world.

How we make our customers more sustainable

By using Baka Glass, you are automatically making your company more sustainable. See how your company is becoming more environmentally aware below.

Efficient routes: fewer emissions

At Baka Glass, we help our customers plan their routes more efficiently. By using our advanced planning tools, planners can plan the most efficient routes for their daily work. This means less time on the road and less fuel consumption, resulting in a significant reduction in CO2 emissions.

Working paperless with our app

Our user-friendly app enables customers to work completely paperless. All orders, invoices and communications can be managed and stored digitally. This not only reduces the use of paper, but also ensures a faster and more efficient way of working. Less paper means less waste and a smaller environmental footprint.

Cutting optimizations: waste less unnecessary glass

Our software offers advanced cutting optimizations that help maximize glass usage. By using smart algorithms, we can ensure that less glass is lost during the cutting process. This reduces the amount of waste and contributes to a more sustainable production process. As a result, our customers not only save costs, but also contribute to a better environment by producing less waste.