How does it work?

Visual roadmap of the implementation process

Intensive guidance through all steps:

Collaborate to go live as quickly as possible.

Availability of our handy tools:

We provide the necessary tools to make the transition easy.

Easy and fast go-live on location:

For larger companies, we are physically present on the first day.

Remove fear of switching:

Thanks to our support, you don't have to worry about making the switch.

Duration per branche

Glass repair: 3 days
Glass wholesale: 5 days
Glas Production: 10 days
Unique approach to implementation

Intensive guidance:

Collaborate to go live as quickly as possible.

Going live on location:

Collaborate to go live as quickly as possible.

Intensive guidance:

Collaborate to go live as quickly as possible.

Intensive guidance:

Collaborate to go live as quickly as possible.

Step 1

Agreement (Handshake)

Once the deal is closed, we will immediately start preparing for implementation.

Step 2

Send implementation tool

We'll send you an implementation tool where you can enter the basic information. This tool comes with clear instructions about what is expected of you.


Set up an instance

We set up your specific instance in our system so that everything is ready for further configuration.

Step 4

First meeting

In this meeting, we'll discuss the details with your team and make sure everything is set up in the right way.

Step 5

Second meeting (Last Check)

During this meeting, we will carry out a final check and ensure that everything is arranged as desired.

Step 6

Test phase

Your team will have the opportunity to test the system and practice with orders to make sure everything is running smoothly.

Step 7

Start going live

The big day has arrived: we're going live! We are present both online and, if necessary, physically to ensure that everything runs smoothly.