
Baka Glass has an integration with Glasalert, allowing glass repair companies to receive instant notifications from Glasalert and respond efficiently to glass repair requests. This smart link minimizes manual intervention, making the process streamlined. Instead of notifications coming in via email and then manually retyping, they are now automatically forwarded from Glasalert to the repair company. This not only saves time, but also reduces the risk of errors and misunderstandings.

Fast repairs thanks to instant notifications from Glasalert

Thanks to this integrated solution, glass repair companies can quickly respond to reports from Glasalert and get started immediately with the necessary repairs. Removing the manual process of retyping email requests significantly increases the operational efficiency of recovery companies. In addition, forwarding reports from Glasalert directly to repair companies ensures smooth processing of glass repairs, resulting in higher customer satisfaction.

Focus on quality and productivity

With this integrated solution, repair companies can fully concentrate on their core task: repairing glass damage quickly and effectively. By removing the administrative burdens associated with manually processing reports, they can focus on providing high-quality service to their customers. This leads to an improved workflow and higher productivity.