
At Baka Glass, we understand that your business needs the best protection. That's why we've integrated our systems with Univé Insurance, allowing you to benefit from comprehensive coverage and efficient claims processing.

Real-time damage reports

Thanks to the integration, new Univé claims are automatically imported into Baka Glass. This eliminates manual input, saves time and reduces the risk of errors, making for more efficient processing of claims.

Seamless data exchange

After completing a repair, all relevant information, such as damage details, repair status, cost estimates, damage photos, billing information, measurement dates, execution date, customer signatures, glass types and dimensions, can be sent directly to Univé. This ensures fast and accurate claims handling.

Improved workflow

The integration makes it possible to easily unsubscribe completed orders from dispatch, ensuring a streamlined and efficient workflow. This increases accuracy and customer satisfaction by dealing with claims faster and more accurately.

With the collaboration between Baka Glass and Univé Insurance, you can optimize your business operations, save time and improve the overall efficiency of your body repair processes. Learn how this integration can help your business grow and thrive today.