From More Efficient Processes to Successful Production

For production, it is essential to be at the forefront of efficiency and precision. At Baka Glass Production, we understand the challenges that manufacturing companies face, which is why we have developed advanced software to make your production process more efficient. Together, let's dive into the opportunities that Baka Glass Production has to offer and find out how we can optimize your production efficiency.

For production, it is essential to be at the forefront of efficiency and precision. At Baka Glass Production, we understand the challenges that manufacturing companies face, which is why we have developed advanced software to make your production process more efficient. Together, let's dive into the opportunities that Baka Glass Production has to offer and find out how we can optimize your production efficiency.

Automatic Planning with Insight

Our system automates production planning and takes into account various operations such as cutting, grinding, hardening, laminating, bending spacers, drilling holes and more. You get insight into machine occupancy per day and per machine, including a percentage of bookings. With our advanced order confirmation, we automatically calculate the feasibility of the delivery date so that you can communicate realistic expectations to your customers. In addition, we also offer just-in-time production planning, allowing you to schedule glass as late as possible, so that the glass does not “lie” for long.

Advanced Machine Links

Our software goes beyond simple plans. We connect with cutting machines, spacer benders, and kit robots. Should a cutting table be overcrowded, we will automatically move production to the next day.

Full Traceability through the Production Process

With our system, you get full traceability through the production process. From the moment a product is scanned to the end of the process, you have detailed insight. Each action can be scanned separately, so you know exactly where a product is in the production process. All this information can be clearly displayed on TV screens in the production hall, so your team is always up to date.

Support for Various Machines

Baka Glass supports various machines, polish grinding, facet grinding, sandblasting, UV bonding, etc. You can accurately calculate the production time per square meter or with other calculations, which you can set yourself based on the speed of each machine. This is then taken into account when planning how many products the machine can carry per day.

Glass Inventory Management

This allows you to order automatically based on preset criteria, such as the minimum desired number of glass plates. No more worries about insufficient inventory; our system ensures that you always have enough glass to process your orders.

Baka Glass Production has proven to be a reliable partner for production companies. From automated just-in-time planning to advanced machine links and full traceability, we offer a comprehensive solution for a flawless production process. We will continue to strive to innovate and improve your production experience. Optimise your production with Baka Glass and bring your company to greater efficiency and success!