Automatic order creation

The automatic order creation feature of Baka Glass' AI order intake module ensures that incoming requests/orders are processed quickly and automatically. Find out how this feature saves you time, really a lot of time, and optimises your order processing process.

Automatic order creation

Send incoming orders to the AI mailbox and let the AI do the work. The order is read in and automatically converted into a new order. Long orders that normally take hours are now processed within seconds, saving your time and resources.

Support for all attachment types

Our AI not only reads e-mails, but also all types of attachments such as PDF, Word, Excel, CSV and XML. You are not limited to a specific format or structure; our AI understands them all and ensures smooth and error-free processing.

Understanding human text

Even if customers write their orders as free text in an e-mail, our AI can read and understand them. This makes order processing flexible and customer-friendly, without the need for extra steps or manual input.

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