Detailed order information

Detailed overview of every AI processing in Baka Glass. Get insight into glass types, sizes, brands, locations, comments and more, processed directly into an order. Faster input does not exist.

Detailed order information

The AI processes all order lines including sizes, locations, characteristics and comments. As a result, you always have a complete and accurate overview of each order. Moreover, the AI provides a summary of the work done, so you know exactly what has been processed.

Automatic customer recognition

Our AI checks whether a customer is already in the system. If not, the customer is created automatically. This saves time and ensures that your customer data is always up-to-date.

Flexible instructions

You can add additional comments to the e-mail as instructions for the AI, such as "Subtract 5mm from all dimensions to account for frame dimensions." This provides extra flexibility and accuracy in order processing, tailored to your specific needs.

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