Processing racks via scanning

Scan records to keep an administrative record of their status. In this way, hall staff can keep track of changes without full access to the system.

Scan inbound and outbound racks

When a delivery arrives, scan the rack to register it administratively in your system as under your control. This way, you can accurately keep track of what happens to each rack and what products are on it.

Move rack to zones

By scanning the rack to a specific zone in your warehouse, you always know exactly where it is when you need it. Zones are easy to manage via our intuitive system.

Scan products by rack

Effortlessly keep track of which products are on which stand. At any time, you can see where specific products are located via our system. Upon delivery, the system automatically identifies which blocks have been delivered.

Check status

Scan a rack to instantly check the current status. Our scan app shows where the glass rack should be, how long you've been managing it, and who the supplier was. Any inaccuracies can be corrected quickly for maximum accuracy.

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