Send overviews and invoices

Send overviews to your customers fully automatically. This way, the customer can see which stands he has and how long he can manage them before he has to pay. If necessary, an invoice can be sent automatically.

No hassle afterwards

With Baka Glass, you're always prepared. Our smart overviews ensure that the customer is aware of outstanding glass racks on time, preventing annoying discussions afterwards. It's up to the customer: unsubscribe the bill on time to avoid unnecessary billing.

Complete information

Our glass racks lists offer more than just a list. They not only show which stands the customer has, but also the supplier, delivery date and location. Proof that your administration has been taken care of down to the last detail.

Automatic invoicing

Thanks to Baka Glass, the customer automatically receives an invoice if a rack stays in place for too long, even after our warnings. This encourages responsible behavior and ensures that you get paid for your services. Previously a challenge, now a new source of income thanks to our automated solution.

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