
Our advanced calculation module offers automatic price calculations, comprehensive glass industry calculations and flexible discount or price agreement structures. Manage purchase and sales prices for your products or per order, quickly compare suppliers and easily implement price increases. With various surcharges, assembly calculations and automatic U-value calculation, optimise your price structure and profitability. And so much more!

Automatically calculated prices

The system automatically calculates prices based on your settings, ensuring speed and accuracy.

Glass industry calculations

Includes all glass industry calculations, such as three dimensions, minimum surface area, grid matrix, machining calculations, linear meters, single operations, surface operations. Baka Glass has developed absolutely everything you need to make the right glass price calculations. This makes it easy to calculate specific glass projects accurately.

Flexible discount structures

With discount groups, you can flexibly structure discounts for customers. The system also supports discount agreements on flexible product groups and net price agreements with customers.

Various surcharges

You can apply various surcharges, such as energy allowance, recycling fee, transport insurance, emergency allowance, plus size allowance and cavity allowance. This ensures that all costs are passed on correctly.

Assembly calculations

The system supports various methods of assembly calculations, such as per square meter (m²) or per hour, for accurate pricing.

Insulating glass calculations

Using the included composite glass module, it is possible to easily make any type of glass composition that automatically calculates the correct price, providing detailed and precise quotes.

Purchase and sales prices

Purchase and sales prices are kept per order and are visible in the pre- and post-calculation. This lets you know exactly how much you earn per order, even before you've ordered the products.

Automatic U-value calculation

The U value is calculated automatically, so that customers immediately know the insulation value of the glass. This is crucial for customers who value energy efficiency.

Price increases

The system makes it easy to make price increases. Within a few minutes, all your prices will be increased. For both purchasing and selling. This keeps your pricing up to date at all times.

Compare purchase prices

We request quotes from various manufacturers at the touch of a button. That way, when you ask for nice orders, you can see which manufacturer has the best offer this time. This helps you find the best deals and optimizes your profits.

Sales price calculations

You can count on fixed sales prices or from purchasing with a profit margin. This offers flexibility in your pricing strategies.

Discounts and total amounts

It is possible to quickly discount the order and to quickly enter a total amount. This speeds up the quote process and makes it more customer-friendly.

Maximum flexibility

The system offers maximum flexibility by using its own rules. With a blank rule, you can deviate from your product range, which ensures customized solutions for your customers.

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