
The Baka Glass intake feature is designed to make your order processing process easy and efficient. Our intuitive interface requires no additional training, so your staff can get started quickly. With our advanced tools, you can enter orders quickly and completely without using the mouse, significantly speeding up the order processing process.

Fast and efficient order entry

Baka Glass allows you to create templates for standard situations, so you only need to enter the settings once. Easily duplicate lines for different window sizes and group order lines for quick access to standard packages such as shower enclosures. Change the dimensions and done!

Visual editing and 3D design

Edit your glass and instantly see the visual result. Our extensive model catalogue allows you to visually draw rods, draw cut-outs and holes, indicate crossings and perform customisable grinding operations on each side. Moreover, you can sandblast and spray glass in RAL colours. The drawings created are automatically forwarded to your supplier at the time of ordering, so there are no mistakes. The 3D designer allows you to design and measure interior glass in a 3D environment, making the ordering process even more accurate.

Automatic integrations and links

Automatically feed your system with orders from various customers such as Uniglas, Glalijn, Dispatch (e.g. Achmea), Glass Total Management, Samenwerkende Glasverzekeringen, CED and Glaspunt. Thanks to our API links, you can collaborate seamlessly with other customers. See live when your colleague is working on the same page to avoid duplication of work. Tick multiple order lines at once and easily replace the product for all those lines via the order toolbar.

Flexible and accurate

Assemble your glass layer by layer and save standard configurations for quick use. If you assemble yourself, you can order glass layers individually from different suppliers. Easily link a property list to a customer for easy searching and assignment of insurance. Our order intake automatically creates a summary for the planning department, so they can work quickly and efficiently without having to manually review each order.

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